Thursday, May 19, 2011

Learning to Listen

Learning to Listen to GOD
Im sure most of us dont know what ears are for.
I remember my mother trying desperately to teach me how to us my ears at a young age.
Yes ears are not just for show but to listen.
Yes as I have gone through life I have discovered that I can hear different things when I listen properly.
I believe today that I can also hear the voice of GOD as I listen.
To listen to GOD I need to be in the right state of mind.
To hear GOD's voice I need to listen with so much care that I need to focus on Him alone.
Yes I have found in the quite in the early hours of the day GOD will often speak in a soft voice to me.
I'm sure He has spoken to you also, the concern is did you reconise His voice.
I cut out all the business and noise and focus only on GOD so that I can let Him speak.
I have had to learn to speak less and listen more.
God says somthing new each time I listen.

Job 33:33 But if not, be quiet and listen to me, and I will teach you how to be wise.

GOD tells us to step out of the business and noise of this world be quite in His presence and just listen.
Sometimes we need to just shut up and listen we speak far to much.

LORD help me to listen to you more each day, may I be a better listener and learn to speak less.
Thank you Amen

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