Tuesday, June 26, 2012

You will be blessed when you come in

Deuteronomy 28:6
'You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out.'
- God loves to bless His people.
- To be blessed is to know His favour on your life.
- As we choose to put God first, this becomes a reality.
- Then we can know what it means to be abundantly blessed.

PRAYER: Lord, as I face this new day, I ask for Your blessing and favour to rest on all I am involved with today. Amen.

Monday, June 25, 2012

I am the Lord, Who says to you, Fear not;

 Isaiah 41:13
For I the Lord your God hold your right hand; I am the Lord, Who says to you, Fear not; I will help you.
- You are not alone.
- God is there for you, to take you by the hand.
- Be encouraged - God will see you through.
- Fear not, for God will help you.

PRAYER: Lord, I place my hand in Yours today. Lead me and guide me and help me I pray. Amen.

Friday, June 15, 2012

'The Lord knows how to rescue the godly!'

2 Peter 2:9 'The Lord knows how to rescue the godly!'
- Even good people face trials.
- Your situation may seem impossible.
- But God knows when and how to deliver you.
- We always want to know HOW God will do it.
- Let us leave the questions to Him and let's trust Him.

PRAYER: Lord, You know my situation. You know what I need and when I need it. I trust You with my life, knowing that You care for me. Amen.

Don't be upset. Expect God to act!

Psalm 42:11
O my soul, don't be discouraged. Don't be upset. Expect God to act!
- Are you expecting anything from God?
- Expectation is a good thing.
- Keep on trusting Him to act in your situation.
- He can be trusted and you can place your hope in Him!

PRAYER: Lord, help me to not allow discouragement to undermine my confidence in You. Instead, I will live with an expectation that You will act on my behalf. Amen.

He gave him favour

Genesis 39:21
The Lord was with Joseph and showed him mercy, and He gave him favour in the sight of the keeper of the prison.
- God's favour on our lives brings many rewards.
- The blessing (favour) of God is our greatest asset.
- Even in tough situations we can know God's blessing.
- Divine favour produces miraculous results.

PRAYER: Lord, I desire Your blessing and favour on my life. I want nothing to stand in the way of this blessing. Amen.

You saw me before I was born

 Psalm 139:16
You saw me before I was born and scheduled each day of my life before I began to breathe.
- It is wonderful to know that God is thinking about us.
- Each day is another day HE planned to give you.
- You should take advantage of each day.
- Take advantage of today!

PRAYER: Lord, I celebrate the fact that You made me and You have a plan and a purpose for my life. Amen.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Lord knows how to rescue the godly

2 Peter 2:9
'The Lord knows how to rescue the godly!'
- Even good people face trials.

- Your situation may seem impossible.

- But God knows when and how to deliver you.

- We always want to know HOW God will do it.

- Let us leave the questions to Him and let's trust Him.

Lord, You know my situation. 
You know what I need and when I need it. 
I trust You with my life, knowing that 
You care for me. 

a shepherd's care in the wilderness.

Psalm 78:52
God led His own people out like sheep and guided them with a shepherd's care in the wilderness.
- God is able to take you through what you are facing.

- He does not leave us where we are.

- He wants to take us through the wilderness.

- He will take care of you, lead and guide you, if you will let Him.

Lord, I pray that You will be my shepherd. 
I ask You to lead and guide me and bring me to the 
green pastures that You have prepared for me. 

My God sent His angel to shut the lions

Daniel 6:22
'My God sent His angel to shut the lions' mouths so that they would not hurt me, for I have been found innocent in His sight.'
- God can shut the mouths of the lions' that want to destroy you.

- The lions could have devoured Daniel, BUT God intervened.

- The best time for a miracle is when we need a miracle.

- May we be found 'innocent in His sight'!

Lord, help me to do what is right and give 
me the victory in my situation. 

I can do ALL things

Philippians 4:13 'I can do ALL things through HIM who strengthens me!'
- With God in our lives anything is possible.

- You are able to do ALL things because HE strengthens you.

- God makes this a possibility and a reality in our lives.

- Don't give in to negativity and doubt.

Lord, I am so glad that You want to strengthen me.
Come and strengthen me right now so that I will be 

able to do ALL things because of Your strength. 


Monday, June 4, 2012

I will lead them beside streams of water

Jeremiah 31:9
'I will lead them beside streams of water on a level path where they will not stumble.'
- Here is a promise for you on your Monday morning.
- God has good things in store for you.
- Stumbling is not part of God's plan for you.
- The water speaks of provision and also of God's presence.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You for Your provision in my life. Help me to realise that You will help me so that I will not stumble or fall. Amen.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

boast about this: that he understands and knows Me

 Jeremiah 9:23-24
'Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows Me.'
- The crux of the matter is that we need to know God.
- That is the only thing worth boasting about.
- Ask the Holy Spirit to make God a reality to you.
- He is ready and willing to reveal Himself to you.

PRAYER: Lord, it is my desire and longing to know You and to experience You as a reality in my daily life. Amen.

man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.

  Luke 12:15
Then HE said to them, "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions."
- Greed is something that can creep into our lives.
- Don't always be wishing for what you don't have.
- God is watching our hearts.
- Real living consists of more than just what we own.

PRAYER: Lord, forgive me for wanting what I don't have right now. Help me to be content, knowing that You know my every need. Amen.

the word of the Lord stands forever.

1 Peter 1:24-25
'The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord stands forever.'
- There are many things that people put their confidence in.
- What are you putting your confidence in today?
- Is it something that will last?
- You can depend on God and on His word!

PRAYER: Lord, You are the everlasting God and Your word stands forever. Teach me to be dependent on You and on Your word. Amen.

Don't be impatient for the Lord to act!

Psalm 37:34 (LB)
Don't be impatient for the Lord to act! Keep traveling steadily along His pathway and in due season He will honour you with every blessing, and you will see the wicked destroyed.
- Impatience can be something that causes great problems.
- If we try to force things or speed things up, things often go wrong.
- Don't become impatient with God.
- Keep on trusting Him.
- The key phrase here is 'in due season'.

PRAYER: Lord, I will wait for Your perfect time. Thank You that Your time is always the right time. Amen.