Sunday, March 27, 2011

Why am I doing what I am doing right now

Eph 1 v 7
In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace.

Why am I doing what I am doing right now...

Why do we find ourselves only living for now..

When will we come to our senses and realize ...

That our life on earth is not the important part ...

Eternity will happen in our life ...

Good or Bad is the big question ...

Well I pray that it will be good and to do with GOD ...

Having been there and got the T shirt many times for many things...

My Prayer
I clend my hands together and say these words.
JESUS please forgive me again for not always living as you would have me live.
May I recieve once again a refreshment of your promise of eternal life with YOU.
Thank you for you awesome foegiveness


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