Monday, April 18, 2011

What is it with Seasons and darkness

Well today is cold. It is dark out side still at 10h00.
It is as if the sun didnt rise and now the rain started to fall.
How I dispise this change of season from full blowen summer straight to winter.
No warning on stopping for a breath of auttum just winter full blowen and getting cold.
Well that is normally how it happens over Easter in Gauteng.
Well I just pray that we sun on sunday, sunrise service at the church.
What is Easter sunday with out the son and sunrise.
With out the Lord Jesus there would be now easter.
Can you imagine no Easter celebration.
No Easter Holidays.
No Easter Eggs.
Thanks Lord for Easter thanks for dying on the Cross for us.
Thanks Lord Jesus for Easter.
A God who brought Jesus back to life.
Thank you for a wonderfull Easter even if the sun doesnt shine.
Cause Your Son the only Son rose and shone for all to see.

So Lord may I shine for You today and this Easter may all around me see the love in me which I have for Christ our Lord. Amen

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