Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sometimes I feel like giving up

I'm sure we all have our days when we feel like things are just to much.
I do sometimes I think that I have had just so much I can't take any more.
Ever felt that way?
Have you ever felt like the world is closing in on you and just wanna say good bye to it all.
Yes some times life does get to much to handle.
Loss of friends.
Watching people die, and not been able to help.
Praying for the sick and never seeing them healed.
Loving people but not getting love in return.
It's so hard to be good loving and caring person in a cruel world.
But Jesus was able to cope with it so that gives me strength.
Yes strength to endure the pains and the sufferings.
Jesus endured all the pain for all of us, He took that suffering to the cross and dealt with it.
Thank you Jesus you give hope when I have none.
Yes Jesus you give me life when mine shuts down.
thank you Lord.

I love you Lord
and I lift my voice
To worship You
Oh my soul Rejoice
Take care my King
In what you see
May I be a sweet, sweet
Song in Your eyes.

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