Sunday, November 13, 2011

I have learned the secret of being content

Philippians 4:12

I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation.- In life it is easy to become discontented.
It is always easy to not be satisfied with what we have until we look at those who do not have as much as we do then it looks okay.

- Society teaches us to always want more.
We must learn to teach our selves not to want what the Jon's have, we must teach our selves that what we have is to be blessed and it is enough.

- As a result we continually become dissatisfied.

this is not a good attitude to have we need to look on the positive in life and recognize how blessed we are.

- We need to learn the secret of being content.

To be content is to be blessed by Christs Love we dont need any thing else.

All the things of this world will never bring contentment because we were not made for this world we were made for heaven.
When we realize that is why God made us,
- Then we can enjoy what God has already given us!

and Be Content...
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for all the good things that You have done for me! I celebrate Your goodness today. Amen.

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