Monday, November 21, 2011

Nothing can separate us!!!

Romans 8:38-39
For I am convinced (persuaded beyond doubt - I am sure!) that nothing can separate us (me) from the love of God.
- There are many things in life that are uncertain.
But as the days go I have become more sure that God will come through no matter what we face. We must trust Him in all things.

- On the other hand God offers us certainties.
God offers us love when every one hates us. He is God and His love never fails us.

- One thing that we can be certain of is His love for us.
This love is wider than the ocean, it is stronger than the strongest, it is higher than the mountains, it is God's love for you and for me.

- No matter what you are feeling today, God loves you!
Yes GOD LOVES you so so so much enjoy His LOVE today....

PRAYER: Lord, I receive Your love right now. It is great to know that Your love is the one certainty I can have in life. Thank you Lord for loving me. Amen.

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