Sunday, December 18, 2011

God remembered Noah

Genesis 8 v1 
But God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and livestock with him in the boat. He sent a wind to blow across the earth, and the floodwaters began to recede.

1. But God remembered Noah.
Often at Christmas time we feel like God has forgotten us.
Well If God did not forget Noah then why should He forget us.
Inst it us who forget God at this time of the year. all the focus on a santa claus and not on Christ the Saviour to the world.

2.God sent a wind to blow across the earth to assist Noah.
Sometimes we need God to blow a wind through our lives so that the the problems we are facing can recede as our lives are cleaned up.
Why don't you pray with me today

Thank you Lord that you have never forgotten us and that you always take the time to remember me.
I pray today that you will blow through my life a new wind that will cleanse me from all sin and that as you do all the trials I am facing will be easier to deal with. God give me strength as I walk this day may I always feel your wind blowing in my life, may this wind bring receding of all the trials of my life.
thank you Lord

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