Sunday, December 4, 2011

What must change Today in my life

There are some things we should Change,

Change... Hell for heaven – Rev 20:11-15; Lu 16
“What you have to give up to become a Christian: HELL”

Change... defeat for Victory – I Jn 5:4; I Co 15:57
“It’s time you quit begging God for the victory, and claimed the victory already given us as God’s dear children.

Change... worry for Peace – Ps 55:22; Php 4:6; Matt 6:25-33; I Pet 5:7
I’ve said it before, you can either enjoy the ride, trusting the leader or you can be terrified with every step of the way.  Many of the things we worry about do not always happen; and those that do fall into two types of worries: those I have power over and can overcome, and those I don’t and I need assistance with.  I might as well let go of those things I cannot control, and change the things I can – by leaving it all in God’s hands, after all He can control all things.

Change... Your Will for God’s Will – Eph 5:17; Lu 22:42
Trust Him – He knows what’s best and what will make you happy in the long run

Change... TV for B-I-B-L-E – II Tim 2:15; II Tim 3:16
Your values are influenced by what you take in – where do you want your values to come from?

Change... Gossip for Prayer – Pr 18:8; 20:19; 26:20-22
You can talk about me all that you please; I’ll talk about you down on my knees.

So Change... for keeps – Ask God today He will help you to change...

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