Sunday, January 29, 2012

Do not be afraid of sudden terror

Proverbs 3:25

Do not be afraid of sudden terror or the destruction of wicked people when it comes.
- We are told that we should not fear sudden and unexpected evils.

Is there any evil which you fear maybe you need to look at it again and say to it I do not fear you, you evil thing because I have a God who is bigger and greater than it.

- You and I were not created to live in fear.

Yet we choose to live in fear of everything that is earthly and seems to big to handle. I think we need to remember that our God is the beginning and the end the Alpha and the Omega so why fear when we have a God like that by our side.

- Our confidence should continually be in God.

Trust God and only God always and at all times put our Faith and Trust in Him and He will show us that He cares for us.

- He is the keeper and preserver of our lives.

PRAYER: Lord, I will not fear any sudden terror or disaster, my confidence is in You! Amen.

When you Pray today pray for the Christian families to be released by the Afghanistan's, Please pray that they are not executed for their Faith in Christ our Lord.

Father I pray that you be with these families today that they are able to go free and spread your word in the country which you call them to. I pray that you give them and their families strength at this time. And I pray for forgiveness for those who plan the executions as they do not know what they do as Jesus said Father forgive them for they know not what they do....
Thank you Lord for hearing my Prayer.

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