Sunday, January 22, 2012

Hi Dad I have been Hijacked Car is gone...

Every day can be a Meet your Maker day!
Getting the Call Last night.
Hi Dad Ive been Hijacked... was all I heard when my son called last night.
Screaming to my wife Trev's been Hijacked...
Wife "Are they Okay".
Getting dressed in a fly and praying God let son and his girl be alright.
Not knowing where they are and driving to the scene of the crime.
Low flying and praying all the way. God please let my family be alright.
Praying for our safety and the other people at the crime.
Just Praying all the time and not stopping.

Today could be the meet your maker day...

1 Thess 5 v 17
Pray with out ceasing

Just continuing to pray when I realize that my son and his girl are okay just shaken up from the crime.
Car is gone and phoning tracker to report the car talking to the police and praying.
Meeting my sons girls parents for the first time on not nice grounds at all.
Every one worried. Praying that the car will be okay.
Hearing the car reported not far away.
Getting in a vehicle and driving to the area looking for what I don't know shock can be a terrible miss leader of what to do when this all happens.
Praying to God is all we can do and we should never forget it when these earthly things flood our mind we must then turn to the one and the only source of ult imitate assistants which no one elese can give only God can assist when this happens and If we trust and have faith He has promised to protect us in every way possible.

Hearing that the car is found and praising God is all I want to do at that time...
Praying later with the families at home and all is safe now God is nearer than before... I praise you Father in the storm of this life this hijacking yes You Father you were there. So I pray Father thank you for protection last night thank you for comfort thank you that I can rely on you.
Thank you Lord
You are really an awesome God help us to Pray alwasy with out stopping........

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