Monday, January 23, 2012

"What is it you want?"

 Nehemiah 2:4-5
The king said to me, "What is it you want?" Then I prayed to the God of heaven, and I answered the king!
- Before you do anything, don't forget to pray.
Often when we dont do this God will try to send us a reminder which we must try not to ignore.
Pray must be consistent and done as often as possible, so as to stay on the right track.

- In every situation you can call on God in prayer.
God is there with us in the situation ready to assist and He is waiting for us to give Him the go ahead and turn the problem around in our lives. God always wants to help us no matter what.

- You have the liberty to call on God at any and all times.
How often did you forget to ask God to help you could it have been different if you did.
Yes Im sure it would have been different and better if we did reconize that God was there to help and always call on Him.

- Even in stressful situations, He hears your quick and urgent prayers.
God I thank you for these moments that you hear all the prayers which we make.
Awesome Awsome God I praise you for this.

PRAYER: Lord, right now, I call on You. Before I even start my day, I pray to the God of heaven and I know that You will give me the answers I need.Thank you for hearing and answering my prayers in the way which you do.

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