Sunday, September 30, 2012

O Lord, there is no God like You

2 Chronicles 6:14

O Lord, there is no God like You in all of heaven and earth. You are the God who keeps His kind promises to all those who obey You and who are anxious to do Your will.

- He keeps His promises.
When has He ever let you down? God always has a way of keeping His promises to us just like His promise of a child to Abraham and Sarah, God did not forget them.

- There is no one like Him.
Who else can you trust like God, Who wont let you down? God's time is the best we just have to have Faith and Trust Him no matter what. David did and look what happened to Golitah. David was a man after God's own heart.

- He is looking for those who obey Him and want to do His will.
God is looking for you to do what He put you here for, so why not ask Him what it is that He wants with your life.

- As we do what He tells us to do, He will make a way.
Sometimes there seems to be no way when things happen in our lives but God has a plan and He can take us through any storm big or small they are all conqurable in God's eyes.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You for Your faithfulness towards me. It is my desire to do what You would have me do in this new week. Help me to do what pleases You. Amen.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.'

Proverbs 11:25
'A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.'
- This is one of the great mysteries.

- God's way of gaining is through giving.

- He has placed in each of us something that others need.

- You can be a source of blessing to someone else!

PRAYER: Lord, help me to touch others' lives as You have touched mine! Amen.

Monday, September 24, 2012

a time to every purpose


Ecclesiastes 3:1

'To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.'
- To everything there is a season; a set determined time.

- In the time we are given, we face different seasons.

- When the seasons turn, things change.

- But God is in control and He determines the seasons.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You that I can trust You with regard to the seasons of my life. You always know what is best and therefore I can have confidence. Amen.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

He fills (satisfies) my life with good things!

Psalm 103:5
He fills (satisfies) my life with good things! My youth is renewed like the eagle's (strong, overcoming and soaring).

- Nothing in life brings lasting satisfaction.

- Only the favour and grace of God can satisfy us.

- When we know this, we can be renewed.

- We can be filled with new life and new joy.

PRAYER: Lord, I need Your grace and favour on my life so that I can be renewed. Amen.

Monday, September 17, 2012

What relief for those who haveconfessed

Psalm 32:1
What happiness for those whose guilt has beenforgiven! What joys when sins are covered over! What relief for those who haveconfessed their sins and God has cleared their record.

- You can be free from the weight of sin and condemnation.

- HE came to forgive and set you free.

- When we confess, He is faithful to forgive us.

- Nothing needs to stand in the way, and you can be forgiven.

PRAYER: Lord,I confess that I don't always do the right thing. But what a joy it is to knowthat You are ready and willing to forgive me so that I can be free. Amen.

So take courage and do it.

Ezra 10:4
Rise up; this matter is in your hands. We willsupport you, so take courage and do it.

- There is time to talk, plan and think.

- But there comes a time when we must act and step forward.

- If we wait for perfect conditions, we may never progress.

- So rise up, step out and do it.

PRAYER: Lord,You know what You have prepared for me. Help me to have the courage to do morethan just talk and think about things, but help me also to do them. Amen.

Someone greater is on our side.'

 2 Chronicles 32:7
'Be strong and courageous. Don't be frightenedor terrified. Someone greater is on our side.'

- Sometimes we can begin to feel alone.

- The enemy may seem great and we may feel insignificant.

- But we have God with us!

- He is greater than any enemy you may be facing.

PRAYER: Lord,I pray that You will come and strengthen me. Help me to see things from Yourperspective and help me to realize that You are with me. Amen.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

He did everything God asked him to do.'


Genesis 6:22

'So Noah listened to God, and he built the ark. He did everything God asked him to do.'
- Be like Noah and do what God tells you to do.

- Don't hesitate or obey only part of what God has said.

- Do everything God has asked you to do.

- Our obedience is important to God.

PRAYER: Lord, help me to do all that You are leading and guiding me to do. The desire of my heart is to do that which YOU would have me do. Amen.

Friday, September 7, 2012

For great is Your love

 Psalm 108:4
'For great is Your love, higher than the heavens; Your faithfulness reaches to the skies.'
- Expect more of HIS love for you.

- Anticipate more of HIS faithfulness in your life.

- Believe, believe and believe for more of HIS goodness.

- HIS abounding love is reaching out to you right now - receive it!

PRAYER: Lord, I believe, I expect and I anticipate more of Your love, more of Your faithfulness and more of Your goodness. You are MY great, covenant keeping God. Amen.

An angel of the Lord opened the prison doors

Acts 5:19
'An angel of the Lord opened the prison doors, and brought them out!'
- God is able to open the doors of the prison that holds you.

- He is your great deliverer.

- He can rescue you from whatever is holding you captive.

- Don't give up; expect your deliverer to break the chains that hold you.

PRAYER: Lord, open the prison doors and bring release I pray. I long to see more of Your power and freedom in my life. Amen.

He is mighty to save!

Zephaniah 3:17
The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save! He is a mighty saviour!- God will never abandon you!

- In fact, right now, He is with you!

- In addition, He is able to save and rescue you.

- He is powerful, He is mighty and He is with you!

PRAYER: Lord, I rejoice in Your strength and might. Thank You that You are with me and that I am not alone. Amen.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Be strong and courageous!

Joshua 1:2-3 and 6
Arise, go over this Jordan. I will give you every place where you set your foot.Be strong and courageous!- When God speaks we can have the confidence to obey.

- But we must do something from our side.

- We need to take the first step and 'get up' and do what He says.

- Grab the opportunities that He gives you with boldness and strength.

PRAYER: Lord, help me to 'arise' and step into those areas You have prepared for me to 
possess. Give me the strength and confidence I need. Amen.

His praise shall continually be in my mouth.

Psalm 34:1
I WILL bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.
- This is a lifestyle we need to develop.

- A lifestyle of praising God no matter what happens.

- We need to decide that we will praise Him constantly.

- Determine that you WILL praise the Lord today!

DECLARATION: I will praise the Lord no matter what happens.

losing DAD and not knowing how to do it

Robert Doust.jpg

Well I lost my DAD on Monday 3rd @ 01h00.
Wasn't good to watch some one die whom you loved so much.
Machines on and life surport connected to DAD nothing I could do
His time was up He has gone to be with GOD the FATHER of all.
I praise GOD for Dad's faith and trust in GOD it seems to make it easier to handle.
God is good at least the family got to say there goodbyes the Sunday night before at the hospital.
Yes Dad was a good man I will never forget the moments I hold them close to my heart and always will.
The days of walking as a family to church on sunday
The days of kicking the ball in the park.
The box cart Dad made for me.
Teaching me to rid my first bicycle
Fishing in the back yard and braking the neigh bours window with the sinker.
Yes Dad was there to see us through the school and more
Dad was there when there was no money and I bought my first house.
Dad helped me fixed some of my first cars.
Dad carried me many times even when I was broke Dad brought us food.
I didn't know that he didn't have much at that time.
Dad would help many people.

Dad you will never ever be forgotten.

Dad taght me one thing

Jesus loves me this I know for the bilble tells me so little ones to him belong they are weak but He is strong

Yes JESUS loves me YES JESUS LOVES me.... He loves you to