Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Lord will rescue me

2 Timothy 4:18

'The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to His heavenly kingdom.'

- The Lord's plan is to rescue and deliver you.
God has the best plan we just need to receive it.

- We do face evil and attacks of many kinds.

Im sure that you are facing many evils just like me
But God is there in the mist waiting patiently for our call for help.

- But the Lord wants to bring you through those things in victory.

God will make us victorious in all all things 
All things are possible for those that trust in the Lord
- So do not fear the journey, for your destination is assured.
He said I wll never leave you nor forsake you till the end of the days God is with us always we just need to stay focused on Him.

PRAYER: Lord, rescue me and deliver me from every evil attack I pray. Give me the confidence to trust and believe in You in the particular race that I need to run. 


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