Wednesday, July 9, 2014

'The Lord directs the steps of the godly

Psalm 37:23 
'The Lord directs the steps of the godly. 
He delights in every detail of their lives.'
- How awesome to think that the Lord delights in us.
Good is Happy with us... Yes God is happy, He looked at what He had made and was delighted in it.

- Every detail of our lives is a priority to Him.
He know the number of hairs on our head, every detail is important, looks is not every thing God loves us anyway just as we are made to Him we will always be Perfect.

- He knows what you are facing.
Ever thought that you are alone in this world , wrong God promised I am with you always no matter what I will always be right by your side.

- And He wants to come and direct, lead and guide you.
He gives us direction even when we wish not to take it He never stops leading us in many ways we just have to stop a while and look back and we can clearly see we have got an Awesome God who goes before us to prepare the way.

Lord, direct my steps today I pray. 
Lead me, guide me and show me which way 
You want me to go. 


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