Friday, August 21, 2015

We should walk in newness of life

Romans 6:4b'..... we should walk in newness of life.'
- The Lord has a whole new dimension f
or you.
God is waiting to touch your heart today
He wants to change your every situation in your life.

 - He has come to give us new life.

Life is from God and God alone no one else has created life.

 - We are not destined for more of the old.

He came to give us a New begiing the old has gone and the New has come.

 - We are designed and created to live our lives in and through Him.

Lives are to be created with Him as a Father and child.


 Lord, help me not to settle for more of the old, but
help me to step into the newness of life that You intended for
 me to enjoy each and every day of my life. A

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