Tuesday, December 8, 2015

And my God will meet all your needs

Philippians 4:19 - 'And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus.'

- The Lord will meet the needs that you carry in your heart.
Why just carry the needs take them to God and see what He does.

- Every need of yours is an opportunity for God to move.
God can't move if you don't. We are His hands and feet on this earth.

- Because you are His child, He cares about those things you need.
God cares for all your need so expect them to be fulled.

We are all children of God at birth it is us who make sometimes the wrong chooses

God cares always He always has and He always will.

- So tell Him your needs and look forward to what He will do for you.
What do you need God to do this Christmas for you.

PRAYER: Lord, You are the Lord who knows my every need and You have a plan to provide for and meet that need.
Thank You for your provision. Amen.

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