John 16:4-7
But I have said these things to you, that when their hour comes you may remember that I told them to you. "I did not say these things to you from the beginning, because I was with you.
But now I am going to him who sent me, and none of you asks me, 'Where are you going?'
But because I have said these things to you, sorrow has filled your heart.
Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you.
Hang on:
Have you ever had shocking news told to you? Perhaps someone in your family has been diagnosed with cancer and they sat you down to break the news. Perhaps you have been working on a sales deal and then get the news that you were unsuccessful in landing the tender. I remember as a youth pastor getting the news that a man I had admired and looked up to in youth ministry had admitted to being in an affair. It was like a tidal wave hit me from nowhere and I felt like I was drowning. Praise God that He has been restored, reunited with his wife and has served in ministry for many years.
In moments of sudden bad news, it is very hard to get perspective. I have probably written before of being in a bad car accident as a kid and not being able to see beyond the moment, worried that the dogs at home would starve. In the shock of the trauma, as your mind tries to cope and the irrational thoughts struggle to take over and drown you in the sea of confused emotions, you hang onto any signs of hope. Small kind acts, comforting words, the reassurance of someone saying that they will personally see to the dogs getting food…in those moments, small factual bits of information help you take little steps of recovery.
Y’shua is breaking some harsh news or a coming reality to His followers. He can see they are visibly upset at the news. The trauma of not having Him around any longer is too much to comprehend. Sorrow has filled their hearts and the Lord is quite aware. What He says next brings hope and comfort, a life-line as they start to sink in despair. “Nevertheless…” Don’t you love that. This word implies that however true it is what has been said, in sharp contrast to this, there is something else that must happen and will happen. He follows this up by saying that what He is about to say is the truth. A double life-line!
He is going away and there are coming terrible times where they will be hated, rejected, ejected from their people and even killed. He is being taken from them, but this is all to their advantage because there is Someone on the way…He is called the Helper, the Comforter, the Consoler…He is the One who will be sent to come alongside and to guide them through each and every step of the journey no matter how tough. How amazing is our Messiah that He takes care of our every need and we do not need fear because He gives of Himself, His own Spirit to be with us.
How is your life? Are you experiencing trauma and feeling overwhelmed. Listen to the facts of hope – there is One on the way, sent specifically to stand alongside and bring comfort, advice, assistance, and to lead the way out. Receive Him and lean on Him. He is the ever-present help in times of trouble, the joy in the morning, the anchor to our hope.
Father, when the waves threaten to drown me, let me grab hold of the life-lines you offer. Thank-You for the constant hope. Amen