Thursday, February 25, 2016

Trust in the Lord

Proverbs 3:5 - 'Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.'

The Lord calls us from a place of self-reliance to a place of dependence on Him.
When times are though we must Trust HIM. When times are good we must be grateful to Him.

When we think we are wise we stand in a dangerous place. Wisdom comes only from God not from our own understanding.  Trust is what brings us to His wisdom.

We need to get to that place where we can completely trust Him. This is not easily don't but if we start small we will end big. The thing is to start.

Don't rest on your understanding, seek His. Seek God's will in everything each day it will come.

Lord, forgive me for thinking that I know what to do or which way to turn.
I recognise that You know better than I do and I choose to rest in Your wisdom. Amen.

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