Sunday, October 23, 2011

All who are oppressed may come to Him

Psalm 9:9-10

All who are oppressed may come to Him! He is a refuge for them in their times of trouble. All those who know Your mercy, Lord, will count on You for help. For You have never yet forsaken those who trust in You!
- God is a refuge for the crushed, the broken; the dejected, the afflicted and the unhappy.

- God is a refuge for those facing trouble and distress.

- Nothing stops you from counting on God's help.

Only you stop your self. I find myself stopping this often when I check.
Are you stopping God from working in your life?

- He will not, He will not, abandon or forsake you.

Often I ask where is God in the situation or trial as I walk the road.
But I want to say God is right there with us as we face each and every trail that this life brings. We just have to stop a while and not be to busy to pray and we will see that God is there in our daily lives each and every day.

PRAYER: Lord, I am counting on You to help me. 

You are MY God and I receive Your mercy and Your grace. 

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