Monday, October 10, 2011

I will make the wilderness a pool of water

Isaiah 41:18
I will open rivers on the bare heights, and fountains in the midst of the valleys;
 I will make the wilderness a pool of water, and the dry land springs of water.

- God is the God of the impossible!

GOD can when bring Hope to a land that has no Hope.
The question is do you think that you have Hope?
Or are you still in need then take it to GOD in prayer right now don't wait.

- You may even be in a valley or a wilderness.

Sometimes a wilderness experience will happen in our lives.
But if you have GOD it will not be so bad I can grantee that you will cope better with GOD by your side than without.

- Even in your wilderness God can make pools of water.

Positiveness can come from wilderness GOD can change your and my bad to GOOD.
Only GOD can bring light each and every day, Only GOD can bring the air to breath.
Yes air that will help us to continue to live for HIM and Him alone.

- Let expectation be alive in your heart.
I always try to encourage people as the face trials and tribulations.
The Word of GOD says we will face many in this world.
But GOD will take us through them and make us stronger because of them.

PRAYER: Lord, You know the challenges I face. 

I pray that You will bring life into every area of my life. 
That you Lord will bring Hope where there is no hope.
Love where there is no love,
Peace where there is no peace,
Joy where there is no Joy.
Yes Lord I pray for change to happen 
which will bring you closer and closer.

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