Thursday, October 20, 2011


Joshua 24:15
But as for me and my household, WE WILL SERVE THE LORD.
- Our choices influence our lives.

So make the right choice each and every day chose Christ first.

- This influence extends to those around us.

May GOD influnce our daily lives as we chose the road to walk.
May we stay on the straight an narrow road which leads to eternity.

- Choosing to serve the Lord is a vital choice.

Often we think we chose but it is GOD who chose us by dying on the cross for us.
We just have to accept and follow and walk the road He asks us to.

- As for you, what will your choice be?

So what are you going to chose today life with Christ I pray you do if so send me a mail.
I would love to hear from you and share with you.

DECLARATION: As for me (mention your name) I choose to serve the Lord! No matter what tomorrow brings or what it has in store, I will serve the Lord.

PRAYER: Lord, I dedicate my life to You afresh. As I make this choice I pray that You will use me to touch the lives of others. Amen.

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