Matthew 19:26
He looked at them intently and said, "Humanly speaking,
it is impossible, But
with God everything is possible!"
- With God all things are possible.
There is nothing that GOD cannot do.
He can put you next to someone in a church that you didn't
even know only to find out that you are related to the person
that how I found my second cousin.
- We all face situations that from a human perspective seem impossible.
Everything looks impossible the world tells us that we cannot do it.
But GOD says with me all things are possible so long as they are HIS will.
- But impossible situations are God's specialty.
That is why I choose to have GOD by my side to face those concerns that always just
seem to occur out of know where. The flat wheel at 150KM/hr, I believe that GOD made
me buy a car which I didn't know had skid control which helped me not crash when this happened.
Praise be to GOD for the way HE deals with that which I can not.
- Give Him your impossibility and expect a miracle.
GOD is always ready to perform a miracle, the questions is will we let HIM use us to make it happen, that is why I feel we don't see so many miracles today is because we don't let go and let GOD operate in HIS way. After all HIS way is better than ours will ever be.
PRAYER: Lord, You know exactly the magnitude of the
difficulty and impossibility that I face today.
Please work on my behalf because I know that with YOU,
all things are possible.
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