Thursday, September 29, 2011

Giving thanks to the Father!

Colossians 1:12-13
Giving thanks to the Father! He has rescued us from the power of darkness and has brought us into the kingdom of His Son, whom He loves.
We have been rescued by God Himself.

Thank you LORD

GOD has rescued us from the power of darkness.

Oh how great and big is our GOD, He has overcome evil.

Don't allow darkness and wickedness to influence us.

With you LORD we can do anything, all things are possible for those who serve you.

We must Walk in the light of His Kingdom and Trust Him alone....

Father forgive us for the Neglected behaviour of not trusting you with every part of our daily lives.

Yes it time to bring it all to you LORD not just the bits and pieces.
So today we want to bring it all to you JESUS
ALL and lay it at the foot of your cross and walk away with a lighter load.
Thank you LORD....

PRAYER: Lord, thank You for the wonderful work You have done in our lives.

We thank you that our lives are changed because of what You have done for us.
May we always walk in your light and learn to trust you with not just the bits and pieces.
But that we trust you with all of our life.
Its all for you JESUS all for you LORD.

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