Thursday, November 3, 2011

Books to Reviews (Radical Together & Erasing Hell)

Radical Together

The follow up book to David Platt‘s other best selling book Radical.
I believe this will be another of those best sellers.

I was restless to read this book when I received it. This book puts across an old message in a new and vibrant manner. It looks as how we are called to share the Gospel of Christ and how we should be going the sharing.

The book also focuses on a fresh type of Christianity based on the Bible and that is found in the book of Acts.

The book illustrates and demonstrates a movement and a giving faith rather as opposed to a faith that sits in the pews and says Amen but does little afterward. It talks of a call to move from the pews on Sunday and other days and take the Salvation Message to the Nations of the World.

David Platt did not disappoint me with this follow up book.
I found it to be well written and appealing with a good contemplated message.
David Platt uses a number of true stories in the book of others to steer home his point that the people of God should be working to save people and not save buildings of any sort.

I feel that David’s first book was aimed at addressing the heart of its reader’s, this book tends to continue with the message of addressing the heart of the congregation. I feel that this book should be used in small groups as a biblical study as it will prove to be even more fruitful that just a reading book. There is so much in this book that I believe that it will keep people discussing the book for many days,

I really did find it a very enjoyable book to read and I would recommend it.

Erasing Hell

A good and a interesting book to read from Francis Chan’s this new book, Erasing Hell, Francis deserves praise for how it is written. Although he probably would not accept the praise, He would pass it to GOD.

Bring back the light to shine towards Eternity and that there will be a Hell but it can be reduced, or you could say that our actions towards people could reduce amount of people who will be eventually sent to Hell by GOD.

I found this book to address the truth of what GOD wrote in His Word about Eternity and remind us not to add things which we have made up.

This book also address all things which we don’t want to mention about Hell and those that we tend to ignore. It brings out the truth of a Hell which does exist. It tells us of a reality of that we have to make a choice of Eternity for the better for ever Amen.

Chan brings all the evidence on the table and present all the facts from GOD’s Word, so that we as people can decide what to believe for ourselves, Chan leaves us like Christ to make the choice Heaven or Hell.

I really found this to be a very interesting book to read bring back all the realities of what Hell will bring with it if we do not make the correct choice of rather going to Eternity (Heaven).

I found these books to both be an Enjoyable read and good Action material which can be used in ministry.
May GOD Bless the Authors

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