Monday, November 7, 2011

God needs us to be still

Have you tried to listen? Yes to hear God Speak to you. Been quite for a while and just let God have the say as you Be Quite.
All the Prophets of old who are mentioned in the Bible knew about Be Quite.
You see there are two ways we can pray to God.
One we can come make lots of noise as we bring God the concerns of our heart. That's cool but God is God and deserves more than just our concerns.
God needs to voice His option to give us His reply.

God needs us to be still and know that He is God.
Psalm 46 v 10 
            Be still, and know that I am God!
I will be honored by every nation.
I will be honored throughout the world.”

So how to do this Be Quite thing.
Stop been busy try a couple of minutes each day. Maybe start small do 5 then 10 and increase it eventually as God leads you.
Find a place your place where you can only here God.
Focus on God allow Him time and let Him speak.
Be Quite for a minute now.

Thanks for listen I pray that you connected with God and heard Him speak, prep has you would like to share it then send me a mail then please do.

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