Monday, November 28, 2011

He will not abandon you

Deuteronomy 4:31
For the Lord your God is merciful - He will not abandon you nor destroy you nor forget the promises He has made.
- Man may abandon us but God will not.
God has kept in touch with all of us since the day we were born.
It is us that often loose touch with God as we get caught up in our daily busy lives.

- In God's mercy, He remembers.
God knows every hair on our head, he knows our every move we make.
God is the one who now has to remember for me after the stroke a while ago.
I have learnt to lean on God harder than ever before and He has never ever forgotten me.

- He remembers the promises He has made to us.
God not only remebers but He keeps those promises that if we trust and accept Him, He will be our Saviour in this dark world. God is with us every where we go, he is right besdie you now as you read these words, He is trying to tell you just how much he loves you.

- God wants to be good to you!
So why dont you stop and let Him... Trust God in all things... Start small you will end big...

PRAYER: Lord, I thank You for the things You have promised. 
Thank You that I am not forgotten by You! 

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