Sunday, November 20, 2011

I PRESS ON toward the goal

Philippians 3:14
I PRESS ON toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ.- This scripture speaks of determination.

- Pressing on may mean facing challenge.
Paul's words to keep on going just like a runner wanting to finish the race.

- However, pressing on is also a winning attitude.
Focus on what is to come and what God has in store for us will keep us going to achieve the impossible.

- You don't win a race by giving up.
To give up for God is not an option as far as I am concerned. I have learnt that to succeed is to focus on the finish line and not to allow one to be distracted from it at all.
Focus like a telescope and continue to focus all the time.

CHALLENGE: Go for it! Keep on pressing on!

God may you keep me focused on You always.

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