Thursday, November 17, 2011

You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied

Joel 2:26
You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied and praise the name of the Lord, YOUR GOD, Who has dealt wondrously with you.
- God has good things in store for you!
Oh yes it may not seem so at times but God has good things in store for you.

- This verse speaks of God's provision and of fulfillment.
God always provides for us, a home, a family, a work, a car, some clothes, different food to eat.
Every day God does provide, after all who made the lambs that give us such tasty meat to eat.
Who made the vegetables grow that give us vitamins we need to live life to the full.
God did He provides.

- As a result we will have reason to praise God.
So we praise and exalt the name of the Lord the most high the Holy one for all He provides.

- You too will be able to say that God has dealt wondrously with you!
When you stop and look back Im sure you will see the finger prints of God as He has worked in your life.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You for Your promise and the way in which You work in our lives. Thank You that Your plans are for our good and not for our evil so that we will be able to declare that You are good and Your goodness has restored our souls. Amen.

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