Thursday, November 17, 2011

How your SIN can effect others.

How your SIN can effect others.
Draw me not away with the wicked, and with the workers of iniquity… —Psalm 28:5

No mine, my sin is not bad sin. It is only sin. It isn’t big sin it isn’t small sin, it is just normal sin so it shouldn’t effect other peoples lives. My sin will only effect my life.
That how we recon on our sin isn’t it small, medium or big it is our sin and therefore it should only effect us.
Well it doesn’t, our sin, yes your sin and my sin has effects on other peoples lives. Yes our sin might even assist and encourage them to sin and say that sin is not so bad.
God call sin, SIN, small, medium or big sin is sin in His eyes.
So think about the next time you sin, think about others and how it will effect their lives, prephas this will help to stop you from committing the sin.

A couple gets a divorce. The children of the marriage suffer and are damaged because of the act of the divorce (sin). 
A son or daughter get involved in drugs (sin) and his or her parents suffer the damage from their actions.  A church member sins and when God corrects that church there will be others in the church who will bear some of the collective suffering who were not at fault.
Think twice of how your sin will result in damage to someone else.
Yes your and my sin will and can bring suffering to innocent people around us.
So lets think of them, before we sin.
Stay clean Stay pure be God’s Child try not to sin as much as possible.

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