Tuesday, November 8, 2011

It’s the Fullness of Jesus

It’s the Fullness of Jesus
Words and music by Andy Doust

G                             C
It’s the Fullness of Jesus
D                          C      G
Fills me up till I over flow
G                           C
Fills my life with all good things
D                        G
He restores my soul

G                             C
It’s the Fullness of Jesus
D                                         C        G
makes me so strong I can over come
G                   C
Fills so I can soar with Him
D                              G
He lifts me to the clouds

G                             C
It’s the Fullness of Jesus
D                          C      G
Fills me up till I bursting
G                           C
Fills my life with so much love
D                        G
He restores my soul

PS if you want the music send me a mail to 


and I will forward it to you.

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