Sunday, December 11, 2011

For unto us a child is born

Isaiah 9:6

For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given!

- God has given us so much.
Have you ever thought that you could give good what He gave you?
God gave us His only son.
Imagine you had to give up your son's life so that some one else could have a opportunity to live a better life.
Would you do that, would you be ready enough to be like Abraham and give it all for God?
God did it for you...

- His gift to us was a Gift of Life.
It is a life we cannot even begin to understand but it is a life that is promised to us by God if we believe and receive Him as our Lord and Saviour.

- However, a gift is only a gift when it is received.
So let me know if you take the step to receive Christ as your Saviour.

- So, receive God's gift to you anew this Christmas
Have a blessed Christmas with Jesus today.
Take the step and read the sinners prayer.

PRAYER: Lord, may this Christmas be a special time when we remember Your great gift of Jesus. Amen.

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