Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Prince of Peace

Isaiah 9:6

His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father and The Prince of Peace.

- HE is ALL you need.
Peace and Quiet. How many times have I heard some one say these words... Peace and Quiet...
Stillness and God is what I offer you today... Be Quiet with God to day He is the restorer of your soul.
He will build your spirit as you are quiet so just let go and let GOD.

- HE can be everything you ever needed or wanted.
Why do we want more when we have GOD is what we say but then why dont we share what we have.
I challange you today to share the love of Christ with someone in need after all we have every thing, we have GOD. So lets give it away over this time give to those in need. Share Jesus if you do send me a mail...

- HE can be your Counselor, your Father, your Prince of Peace and your God
God wants to be your everything at Christmas He wants you to unwrap His gift first.
So lets do it right this Christmas lets not forget the Saviour of the world as we prepare for Christmas lets not forget Jesus... Keep Him present in your heart all the time over Christmas and God will give you the peace you deserve.

- Let Christ be the centre of your Christmas.
Jesus the Center of your life TODAY...

PRAYER: Lord, as I remember You at this most wonderful time of the year, I determine that You will be MY Lord and my God. Amen.

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