Thursday, August 30, 2012

Psalm 105:4 'Seek, inquire of the Lord, and crave Him and His strength; seek His face and His presence continually.' - Some things are just more important than others. - We need to keep our eyes on God. - His presence is what we need in our lives. - Seek Him and keep on seeking. PRAYER: Lord, I want to enjoy Your presence in my life today. I do not want anything to get in the way. I want You to be the greatest priority so that I can enjoy Your presence every day. Amen.

Psalm 105:4
' Psalm 105:4
'Seek, inquire of the Lord, and crave Him and His strength; seek His face and His presence continually.'
- Some things are just more important than others.
- We need to keep our eyes on God.
- His presence is what we need in our lives.
- Seek Him and keep on seeking.

PRAYER: Lord, I want to enjoy Your presence in my life today. I do not want anything to get in the way. I want You to be the greatest priority so that I can enjoy Your presence every day. Amen. , and crave Him and His strength; seek His face and His presence continually.'
- Some things are just more important than others.
- We need to keep our eyes on God.
- His presence is what we need in our lives.
- Seek Him and keep on seeking.

PRAYER: Lord, I want to enjoy Your presence in my life today. I do not want anything to get in the way. I want You to be the greatest priority so that I can enjoy Your presence every day. Amen.

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