Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The empty Chair

So the day is ended you come home to that empty chair.
The one who was your friend is no longer there
You look at the wall and talk to the mirror
its hard to cook supper for yourself and eat alone.
To face the loss of a life time friend a lover so hard.
The tears flow you want to toss the towel.

If i owned a tissue factory i would be rich they say people cry every day.
Others say it will get better atfter time all the wounds will heal.
My wifes didnt heal for almost a year I rember treating the scare where the csncer was removed for a year.
God is that it take for this pain of loss to subside.
I have to be real and say God will I make the year.
Peopleblook at you as if there is somthing wrong with you.

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